Duo Improvisation
As part of a series of research concerts organized by the Music Department at my university (NTNU), I made a presentation and duo performance together with vocalist and fellow electronic artist Tone Åse. The event took place at Dokkhuset on February 25 2017.
The performance was set up as an experiment of what would happen if I brought another improvising musician into my project of speech based music. Tone also works with voice in relation to technology and how sound processing affects the perception of voice, song and speech.
It was very interesting to note what happened to my own material originally developed as a solo performance. When challenged by another musician this created another set of dynamics to respond and relate to. It is also interesting how the situation affected the musicalization of the speech material and that it perhaps became less abstract.
As a first meeting this was interesting, and we will probably try to work more together to develop these ideas further.